Comparing ERW steel tubes and CDW

ERW steel tube supplier West Midlands

When you need to select tubing for a project, you might struggle to understand all the different acronyms. They all refer to how the tube was made. Differences here can have a massive impact on the performance and cost. What we want to do is spend a little time comparing ERW and CDW. Then, if you decide you need to order ERW steel tubes in the West Midlands, we have the perfect materials for you. Continue reading “Comparing ERW steel tubes and CDW”

Should you choose ERW tube for casing pipe?

ERW steel tubes West Midlands

Casing pipe is important for a number of projects. It is primarily utilised for protecting utility lines in the ground. The pipes can guard against ground movement, moisture, wildlife, theft, and more. They are also useful for underground construction. However, you need to think carefully about what type of tubing to use. The choice can come down to either ERW tube or seamless. We want to do a little comparison of key factors here to show which is best. Continue reading “Should you choose ERW tube for casing pipe?”

Uniformity is a big advantage for ERW steel tube

ERW steel tubes West Midlands

One of the biggest advantages with ERW tubing is the uniformity. It has far less variance than seamless tube. This is because of how they are made. We want to have a closer look at how manufacturers ensure the products are uniform. Then, if you want to order quality products from the leading ERW steel tube supplier in the West Midlands, you can speak to us. Continue reading “Uniformity is a big advantage for ERW steel tube”

Using quality ERW tubes to create axles

ERW tubes

A lot of people have an interest in vehicles. It might be their passion, whether that is tinkering with cars, collecting, or motorsports. Or, it could be their job. Some might simply use vehicles and not give them much thought. So, people can have a varying amount of knowledge about different parts and what they are made of. Some will be well aware how useful ERW tubes are. Others won’t know what they are. We want to look specifically at using them for axles today to help you learn more. Continue reading “Using quality ERW tubes to create axles”