Why is the petrochemical industry so reliant on ERW tubes?

ERW tube

Today’s industrial landscape is fast-paced. As such, it’s critical that you select the right equipment. With this, you can guarantee reliable and efficient operations. Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) tubes have become popular for their attributes. The features they possess allow you to use them in all kinds of industries. One of the most popular is petrochemical. What we want to do is explore the reasons why this is the case. Let’s have a look, then if you want to order ERW steel tubes in the West Midlands, you can work with us. Continue reading “Why is the petrochemical industry so reliant on ERW tubes?”

Why is hot finished tubing better than cold formed?

ERW steel tubes West Midlands

To an untrained eye, one piece of metal tubing may appear the same as another. However, if you really look there can be some huge difference. For example, there may be inconsistencies in the shape and thickness. The level of finishing could differ greatly too. We want to have a closer look specifically at hot finished and cold formed ERW tubes today. There are crucial differences here to keep in mind. Continue reading “Why is hot finished tubing better than cold formed?”

Agricultural workers benefit from ERW tubes in many ways

ERW tube

ERW tubeIn the modern fast-paced industrial landscape, choosing the right tubing solution is essential. It’s what leads to efficient and reliable operations. ERW tube has become a popular choice because of the many benefits it offers. With efficient, cost effective manufacturing procedures, they are readily available too. So, they are appropriate for a wide spectrum of applications. We want to explore the benefits of using them in agricultural settings specifically today, with a focus on irrigation. Continue reading “Agricultural workers benefit from ERW tubes in many ways”