Achieving the quality and production rate you want when cutting ERW tubes

At Union Steel Tubes we keep cutting services in-house so we can provide a faster turnaround for clients and cater for a wide array of different length requirements. Over the years we have received orders for long and short ERW tubes alike, from pieces just a matter of inches long to sections that stretch several metres. In each case we deliver the highest quality we can. Continue reading “Achieving the quality and production rate you want when cutting ERW tubes”

Rejuvenated drilling operations are increasing America’s demand for tubing

Being an ISO 9001 registered business, we have the means to handle orders of any size and still provide customers with a service that can only be described as excellent. Whatever your tubing requirements are, we will do everything within our power to meet them. That is why we are the most reputable provider of ERW steel tubes the West Midlands has. Continue reading “Rejuvenated drilling operations are increasing America’s demand for tubing”

Is teamwork the key to the future of bike manufacturing?

As an established supplier of ERW tubes with over ten years of experience, we are well placed to deliver the perfect products for our clients. We are an ISO 9001 registered establishment committed to maximising quality. We can manage any size order that we are given, but we are still small enough to give our customers the attention they deserve. Whatever your requirements happen to be, we will do our best to fulfil them. Continue reading “Is teamwork the key to the future of bike manufacturing?”