A closer look at different pipe ends

ERW steel tubes West Midlands

A massive thing in favour of metal tubes and pipes is you can join them together in different ways. This is possible thanks to the array of options for pipe ends. They allow you to connect to things like flanges, other sections of tube, and much more. As a leading expert at producing ERW tubes, we know about the various options and how they work. We want to take a closer look at them here so you know what you can choose. Continue reading “A closer look at different pipe ends”

Items made using galvanised tubing are very popular

ERW steel tubes West Midlands

Products created using galvanised ERW tube and clamps have increased in popularity in recent years. These are adaptable solutions capable of lending themselves to all kinds of applications. Like the old Meccano products you used to have, the only limits with galvanised tubing is your imagination. They provide complete adaptability as well as ease of use, without compromising on strength. Continue reading “Items made using galvanised tubing are very popular”

The strongest arguments for chrome plating

ERW steel tube supplier West Midlands

One of the leading finishing options when it comes to steel tubing is chrome plating. It is something we can apply to tubes. We do so because it provides distinct benefits. These make it the best option in all sorts of scenarios. We are going to discuss the reasons why you should use it if you wish to enhance your products. Then, if you want to order from the leading ERW steel tube supplier in the West Midlands, you can choose us. Continue reading “The strongest arguments for chrome plating”