Since 2004 we have been providing expertly manufactured products to our clients. No matter the requirement, we are confident we can meet all kinds of criteria thanks to the wide range of ERW tubes we manufacture. As the number one supplier in the West Midlands, we work tirelessly to ensure that our customers are not disappointed.
The ERW part of the tubing means Electric Resistance Welded. This refers to a group of welding processes where heat to form the weld originates from the electrical resistance of the material. This is combined with the time and force used to hold the materials together.
Resistance seam welding produces a weld at the faying surfaces of two comparable materials. The seam can be a butt joint or an overlap joint, with the process usually being automated. The difference is that butt welding usually welds the whole joint at the same time, while the seam method progressively forms it.
Similar to spot welding, this application relies on two electrodes, typically made of copper, to apply the current and pressure. Said electrodes are in the shape of a disc ant they rotate as the material passes between them. A transformer is utilised to supply energy to the weld joint by use of low voltage, high current AC power. The electrical resistance of the work piece’s joint is rather high and is relative to the rest of the circuit. The result of seam welding is a highly durable weld as the joint is forged due to the pressure and heat applied.
At Union Steel Tubes we make it our mission to provide only the finest of ERW steel tubes to our clients. To accomplish this, we thoroughly examine and test all of our products before they are supplied to our customers. If you are interested in our products and would like to find out more, we would love to hear from you. We can offer advice and help you to select the right product for your project.