Our ERW tube collection is one that includes an abundance of high quality products. Every customer is free to choose from more than 200 distinct sizes. In addition, we have different finishes that improve the overall performance. The merchandise isn’t the sole reason why people prefer us though. Our customer service is also first rate, ensuring clients have a good experience every time they order.
Technologies and trends come and go. It’s the same for every industry in the world. Even the field of welded tube manufacturing has seen its fair share of new production methods. ERW tubes in particular have come a long way over the years. They’re now on the same level as some of their peers, including seamless tubing. The following are some of the advances we have to thank for this.
Precise rolling
Firstly, we have the controlled rolling process. This makes low alloy steel tubes with carefully selected compositions. They will have the optimal properties. With this operation, the degree of heat present in every pass is prearranged. There is a set finishing temperature too. This reduces the risk of flaws.
Improved finishing
Something that’s also available now is advanced finishing. Drawn Over Mandrel is a sophisticated technology. It’s useful for providing ERW tube with an end touch. This is a procedure that’s used within the actual ERW production mills. Welding leaves the spots back on the conjunction points present on tubes. Drawn Over Mandrel is therefore necessary to remove those spots. It offers the tube a superior finish.
At Union Steel Tubes, we believe that every customer deserves the greatest possible service. Our team uses their vast knowledge of the industry to make this a reality. We will discuss your application and then offer recommendations about which tube to use. This could include tips on shape, size, wall thickness, and finish.
If you wish to use our ERW tube yourself, please get in touch with us.